Answered question

Why there is such long file name?

In my project, I got directories named like this :
@i@a@a@h - @v@u - @claim @advanced @search and tab navigation #28@i@a@a@h31754#29
I also got file inside that are named like this :
Such file name, being too long in the explorer path, exceeds the limit of 256 character. As such, it cannot be deleted, moved or renamed.
How can we set Neoload to not create such long file name?

David P.
David P.

David P.

6 / 100

Hello David P., thanks for asking. Your question is unique in that no one has had this particular problem that we are aware of. It's possible your own systems file structure is several levels deep already causing the filenames in the path to exceed 256 characters. In regards to file naming and what is supported and how they are manipulated within NeoLoad, please have a look at the documentation here:

When designing a user path based on the type of request selected in the User Path tree, the following group boxes may be displayed which relate to file naming and saving: 

·         The Response storage group box makes it possible to save the content of the response in a .bin file. This function stores the content of the response on the machine executing the Virtual Users in order to check it externally:

§  The field Path and template of the file to create contains the file path relative to the storage folder —%AppData%\Neotys\NeoLoad\v6.0— as described in NeoLoad files. The field also contains the template of the default filename response{ID}.bin. The {ID} variable is replaced with a unique integer. A unique file is generated each time the request is executed.


Ultimately the problem is the file structure has either too many levels deep or the folder names themselves are too long adding up to the limit. Yes our .bin filename(s) can be several characters long as well but limit the depth and length of the folder names prior to the projec t files and you should be all set.

Hope that helps, please advise if it does.

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