Unanswered question

How to add more browsers into 'Browser Profile Picker' or just use the current list

NeoLoad 5.4: In the Browser Profile Picker, it support several browser versions (not all available version for each browser) e.g it just support Chrome 46 as maximum for Window. How could i add more version (e.g. Chrome 48, 50)? or this is how function is designed?

Tai D.
Tai D.

Tai D.

1 / 100


If you need another version, note that you can edit the information in the picker, it will use a custom setting.

If you want to keep this alternate configuration definitely, you can tweak the picker data in the folder <neoload>\conf\pickers\browser_profiles\: copy paste an XML file and edit the settings. (also copy/paste an Icon with the same entry name in conf\pickers\browser_profiles\resources). The new entry will apear automatically in NeoLoad