I am trying to evaluate Neoload for our application which uses websockets. I’m using Neoload Free Edition 7.0 and the trial license I have has WebSocket & Push module...
A WebSocket channel is a permanent connection with the server so it can send data to the connected clients. That's why you get multiple responses without any user interaction...
I have a product listing page and from there I want to select a product randomly to navigate to a product details page.
I want to use XPath using Javascript to extract the...
You can't use "document.evaluate" since NeoLoad does not act as a real browser and you do not have access to the DOM of the page.
Can't you create a variable extractor using an...
Hi Team,
I am trying script SSO application and tried to capture SAML responses in the script but no luck. its throwing No Match found.
I tried to use below
1) LB=<INPUT...
The SAML value contains return carriages so it's a multi lines value.
In your variable extractor panel if you switch to advanced mode and use this regexp it should do the trick...