Unanswered question

NL-Network-01 error does not have any details, so what does it mean. Why am I getting very high numbers of these errors?

I am running a load test wherein at random interval there are bursts of these errors and they have no details mentioned.
Also, with same scenario, in different run there are other messages which says - java.nio.channels.UnresolvedAddressException in neoload

What is the reason for these 2 error messages.

Paras S.
Paras S.

Paras S.

35 / 100


NeoLoad only stored the error detail for the 10 first same errors. Have you checked the first errors to see if you can see that error detail.

Do you use a proxy to reach your application since it can be a possible cause of your network errors?

Do you have an anti-virus on your NeoLoad machine? It can also be the issue.

Disable completely your anti-virus if any or best use a remote load generator that does not have anti-virus.

Paras S.
Paras S.

Paras S.

35 / 100

I not using any proxy.
Is it that the error - java.nio.channels.UnresolvedAddressException, because of the Anti-virus?