could someone explain why a Shared Container also shares its enabled state? I use a Shared Container in different User Paths (I guess thats the way its meant to be) _but_ then I can only enable or disable _all_ its instances? I can see the usecase where its good to enable or disable them all, but in my opinion the usecase to enable or disable specific instances makes much more sense.
What does the community think and what is the official reason behind this decision?
thx, br klemensl
Hi Klemens, the reason is that the Shared Container is 100% Shared which means that any related information is shared which includes the state by consequence.
I understand that ideally the enabled information should not be shared which require some internal changes in the way Shared Elements and enabled state are handled by NeoLoad.
We thought that enabling/disabling a Shared Container would not be a typical case and the current behavior would not be an issue. We were wrong at least for your case. I'm also interested in hearing comments from the community...
christophe answered
Klemens posted a new question