Answered question

5.2 licence

Working in an organization that has partners working with 5.2 i need to be able to install a 5.2 license.

The problem is that I haven't find a way to generate a free license for 5.2

If you try from the download link on the homepage, you are automatically directed to a 5.4

If you try to go through the support page, of course you can download the 5.2 version, but there seems to be no way to generate a free license corresponding to that 5.2 version.

Thank you for your help

Jean-Christophe K.
Jean-Christophe K.

Jean-Christophe K.

2 / 100

There's no self-service way to get an older license as we prefer our users to use the latest version. Nevertheless, please open a support ticket and the support will take care of your request.

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