Unanswered question

How to Step Through Validation?

I have several errors in my script, but am unable to figure out which variables are causing it. It would help if I were able to walk through each step and visually verify what each step is doing.

How do I enable this feature?

Thomas H.
Thomas H.

Thomas H.

55 / 100


If you have created transactions in your script you should be able to quickly identify which steps are not working. Regarding the variables, you can see which one is used and extracted on the Variables tab. This information is also aggregated at the virtual user level to see all of them.

Depending on your application you could also rely on the HTML rendering to check if there's any application errors that could help you.

Thomas H.
Thomas H.

Thomas H.

55 / 100

Nouredine, the application I am testing does not display any images in the HTML rendering/Recorded HTML rendering tabs during validation.

The steps in question reload the same URL form (POST) several times with a different initial condition. All the recorded steps pass during validation. Several of the steps differ by ~30-40%. When I attempt to view the changes from a browser I can see the validation changes were not saved. I am unsure whether this is due to the initial page being loaded incorrectly, or the save changes button not being called correctly.

By being able to view/initiate a simple visual debug I would be able to determine which steps are loading correctly and which aren't.