Unanswered question

Correlate instanceId in android mobile script

Goodevening gents,
I have generated a mobile web script for a banking app. The first request is a POST (attached) with a value called instanceId that returns dynamic auth tokens that are used in other requests. I think the instanceId value was generated on the android device and hence can't be correlated from the server response.

When I google, I could find some code to generate the Id but I don't know how to run this code in vugen without SDK.
String iid = InstanceID.getInstance(context).getId();
Any help/guidance is much appreciated.

Jadumani J.
Jadumani J.

Jadumani J.

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I can see two possible ways. You could replicate that code using JAVA code or Javascript in NeoLoad in order to generate that id or maybe another way could be to call from a command line that SDK code in order to get as result that id.