Unanswered question

I am having a doubt do we want to write the script in android ide or java for neoload

As we are writing the test scripts for appium do we want to write the test scripts in neoload?? and where to write??

vinu K.
vinu K.

vinu K.

11 / 100


vinu K.
vinu K.

vinu K.

11 / 100

tell me soon............

I guess you want to instrument Appium scripts to send measurements from one or a few Devices to NeoLoad while the load is generated at protocol level by NeoLoad so that you can correlate the two views: the server response time and the action time on the device.

In short: you need to write your Appium script outside NeoLoad, insert measurement calls, and make sure NeoLoad launch the Appium execution through the Java or Command Line advanced action.

More information in the following guide: http://www.neotys.com/documents/doc/neoload/latest/en/htm...