Unanswered question

How do I fix error NL-REDIRECT-03

I am brand new to Neotys and to load testing software. I see that it says this is the result of a problem with a previous redirection request but this is the first error. I am simply typing in a url, then at the login page, type in username and password then click a submit button. The username and password are correct as I was able to login during the recording. I get this when I check the program. Where can I look to find out what the real issue is? What can I try to do differently?

Mark B.
Mark B.

Mark B.

2 / 100


This error is a consequence of a previous issue. If you look at the request that got an error in the design section it is probably configured to follow a redirect from the previous response.

You got that error because the previous request did not get a redirection as response i.e HTTP 3xx response.

So you need to look at that previous request and compare the request sent during validation and recording. Usually this issue is due to a dynamic value that needs to be correlated.

Sachin G.
Sachin G.

Sachin G.

123 / 750

HI Mark, Hope this is already resolved. Just for the benefit of all - We have an option to select "Handle redirects automatically" in the advance settings of the request. Please select this for the previous request of the failing request (it should disable the failing request and copy all the extraction to the previous request). Please note this will work only if the previous request response is 3xx.