Unanswered question

Regarding Web service Load Testing Plan and the Response generated

I am trying to create a rest web service Load Testing plan using Http Request with the following Details:
Service type : POST
host : rvoc4s45o8.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Port : none
path : /prod/api/cf/v0/session?req=true
I don't need to enter any port details. But in Neoload it's mandatory to give the port number while adding Http Request.
Expected URL To be Used : https://rvoc4s45o8.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/pr...
But while using Neoload default port number is added in-between and the url looks like below:
Also i am not seeing any response for the web services while performing Testing. It's taking very long time.
Could you please help me to fix this issue

Thilagavathi R.
Thilagavathi R.

Thilagavathi R.

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