Unanswered question

Neoload upload file (pdf)

I have 10 virtual users and i want to upload 10 pdf documents from my computer to a web page. I configure a variable counter (0 - 10), the pdf fileName must be documento-{varCounter}.pdf. When test with 10 virtual users, usually upload 2 o 3 files, but no at all. For example: The neoload upload, documento-07.pdf, document-08.pdf and document-09.pdf. I also trie to run sequencially the requests.

Ivan C.
Ivan C.

Ivan C.

1 / 100


When you say 10 virtual users do you mean 10 different user paths or 10 concurrent users when running a test?

I'm wondering if the concurrency of users could be the issue. Have you tried to run 1 user for 10 iterations to see if it works fine?

How did you design your script? Do you have a login/logout inside the Init/End containers and your upload inside the Actions container? Or your whole script is inside the Actions container?