Unanswered question

Jenkins plugin configuration

I'm following the instructions to set up the Jenkins plugin. But I'm confused, do I need to install Neoload on the Jenkins server? How do I set up the licenses?

John S.
John S.

John S.

36 / 100


NeoLoad can be installed on any servers. It does not have to be the Jenkins server. But that also means that you need to have your Jenkins slave and NeoLoad installed on the same machine.

In that case, when you will configure your Jenkins job, you will use that slave. The user that is starting the slave process in that case will also start NeoLoad.

This user is important depending on the type of license you own.

What is your setup regarding OS and NeoLoad license?


John S.
John S.

John S.

36 / 100

Hi, there doesn't seem to be a way to follow on from your answer, so I have to answer the original question.

As a test to find out how to set this up, I'm running the Jenkins main server on the same box I've got Neoload installed on. As far as I can see this should work. We have two licenses a permanent 5,000 VU installed on a controller and a free 50 VU installed on a development controller. The Jenkins machine is completely separate. I assume I could install a 50 VU free license, but how would that work if the other 50 VU free license is activated on a different machine?

A free license can be used on different computer but not at the same time since you do not have to go through the activation process.

That means you could load your Free license on your two controller and have the Jenkins jobs uses one or the other controller as soon as it is not at the same time. Otherwise you will have to use your 5000 VU's license.

Make sure to start NeoLoad from Jenkins using the same Windows user that when you manually start NeoLoad. In that license the current loaded license will be used.

Does it make sense to you?

John S.
John S.

John S.

36 / 100

So to experiment the steps would be
1) Download the free 50 VU license and install it on the Jenkins box in the same user that the Jenkins job will run in
2) create a Jenkins job to run a scenario, as long as it doesn't run at the same time we're using the 50 VU license on our development machine

The development machine is an AWS Windows instance. The Jenkins machine is an AWS Ubuntu instance.

Yes exactly. On your Jenkins machine, start NeoLoad in GUI mode and try if the license is working fine with your current user. Then normally if you run your Job using the same user with or without the NeoLoad UI, it should work.