Unanswered question

Is there a way to extract value from request in neoload ?

I want to extract the value from request header. For example session key from cookie. I was wondering how to do it?

Gulshan R.
Gulshan R.

Gulshan R.

26 / 100


You can't extract a value from a request because it does not make sense. Your session key is probably coming from a previous server response. Have you checked using the Flag feature?

Fabio R.
Fabio R.

Fabio R.

45 / 100

It could be useful to read a value from request and insert corresponding variable into the body of the same request.

For example:


where "StrongIdsCSV" is a file having full list of all StrongIds of your war file as an hash map key/value.

In this way script will be understand which service is called in a request and parametrize it with right StrongId.