Unanswered question

Can I have configuration details of 2 LG's configured with 1 Controller?

I have installed 1 LG on loacalhost and in another system and configured the controller and agent properties as mentioned in the help documentation but still unable to see both LG's, can I have the sample LG configuration files which are connecting to 1 controller.

mahesh G.
mahesh G.

mahesh G.

24 / 100


What kind of changes did you do on the configuration files? The default settings should work well. If you the host remains red after entering it in NeoLoad, then you should check if a firewall is not blocking the communication.

Beware of the Windows Firewall settings on the Windows machines. More information about handing a firewall: http://www.neotys.com/documents/doc/neoload/latest/en/htm...