Answered question

Java memory usage setup for Controller and LG on same system

I am configuring on Controller System that will also act as the LG "localhost". I am wondering about the settings for the java usage memory.

If I set NeoLoadGUI.vmoptions to use "-XX:MaxRAMFraction=2", does this cater for the LG as well? Or do I need to set that elsewhere? I found this article outlining the LG settings in '' but my assumption this is for the LG installed standalone as a service.

Can you please confirm that setting LG '-XX:MaxRAMFraction=2' will make that memory available for both Controller and LG processes?

Susan W.
Susan W.

Susan W.

234 / 750

No the mentionned setting is for the Controller only. To modify the LG settings, you need to edit the file ([LoadGenerator]lg.launcher.vm.parameters), in <neoload>/conf for the independent LG and also for the embedded Agent.

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Susan W.
Susan W.

Susan W.

234 / 750

Thanks Christophe. So, confirming that this means both the embedded LG and the Controller use up to the mentioned RAM? So using the flag -XX:MaxRAMFraction=2 for both is not advised? (that is half+half = all the memory available?)

You'll get more fine tuning possibility by specifying explicitly the maximum amount of allocated RAM, remove -XX:MaxRAMFraction and replace with -Xmx800m where the number is the number of allocated MB.