While executing test from Neoload GUI with embedded LG (on same host as controller), does the LG Engine reads the memory configuration from “\bin\NeoLoadGUI.vmoptions” OR from “conf\agent.properties” ?
Per http://answers.neotys.com/questions/2496274-specific-config-files-update-memory-launching, what i understand is - Controller and both Engines read memory configuration from \bin\NeoLoadGUI.vmoptions(all sets to the same value/fraction) incase of launching 'embedded version' and LG Engines reads it from “conf\agent.properties” in case of launching it as Service from Start menu (LoadGeneratorAgent_NoPrivilege.exe)
Hi, the GUI reads from the GUI vmoptions, the agent reads from the LGs vmoptions and the engine reads from the agent.properties. So all 3 are used. As mentioned, the agent is a small process, when the GUI executes a test, it asked the agent to start the engine up. As per the example, on a 16GB machine, the GUI takes 4GB, the agent 512MB, the engine 4GB, so 13GB will be in use. In a real test, you would always have the LGs on their own dedicated machines