Unanswered question

How to Reduce the LG CPU Load?

I have designed the scenarios for the Webservices, while Running the Scenario with Ramp up from 5 users adding 10 users every 5.0 minutes, LG CPU load is reching to 95% and getting NL-Network-01 error. I have tried to increase the memory and updated the registry with WindowsNetworkTuning.reg but still I am getting the same error.

mahesh G.
mahesh G.

mahesh G.

24 / 100


The LG CPU might be high if the server responses are pretty big and you have variable extractors or validation setup on your requests. Is it the case?

What is the detail of the NL-Network-01 errors?


mahesh G.
mahesh G.

mahesh G.

24 / 100

I am testing a simple webservice, I don't have any extractors or validations in the scenario

Most of the times it starts with 500 Error - Unexpected error during request processing. Encountered exception, session marked for rollback followed by NL-NETWORK-01.

Error detected by NeoLoad
Error Code: NL-NETWORK-01 Message: Network error: An IO error occurred sending the request. Details: java.net.UnknownHostException:
Please refer to the documentation for further details and advice