Hi support,
Currently iam busy to use the framework correlation within NEOLOAD. It's working correct until now...i only have in issue's with
correlate the epoch Timestamp automaticly
find below some requests:
iám using a regular expression like :
[0-9]{13} (check attachment; if a do a search and replace within the edit menu it works)
so find all 13 digit numbers (i need to enhance) but till now it's not working; i will attach a screenshot also...
GET http://lx303253.cibapp.nl:8080/runtime/VAADIN/widgetsets/... HTTP/1.1
http://lx303253.cibapp.nl:8080/runtime/server/vaadin/sess... HTTP/1.1
So what i want to achieve; replace all epoch timestamps within the script with a parameter ${epochTime}
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