Neoload wouldn't be suited to this kind of testing, it could be used as a test harness driving programs that obtain IP addresses but how those programs pretend to be...
In Neoload, go to the help menu and select open log folder. My assumption is that your windows profile is not stored on your PC but rather a shared server and you have used up...
As I am running my tests, I occassionally get errors. Clicking on the error in the Errors-Tab of the Results-Screen shows a message which end with "Please refer to the...
I suggest using the online help -
Help page 2936 refers to...
"The "
As I am running my tests, I occassionally get errors. Clicking on the error in the Errors-Tab of the Results-Screen shows a message which end with "Please refer to the...
After running my tests, I have a few errors like this:
Error detected by NeoLoad
Error Code: NL-NETWORK-01 Message: Network error: An IO error occurred sending the request...
I've not heard of editing the project file before (.nlp). The help link in your other post refers to the file which is part of you Neoload install.
After running my tests, I have a few errors like this:
Error detected by NeoLoad
Error Code: NL-NETWORK-01 Message: Network error: An IO error occurred sending the request...
nlp file? I assume you mean the The error indicates that the your application failed to respond to a request within the timeout, it could be caused by a...
I know this is a vary basic question ( may be a dumb question), but am trying to collect information here.
Do we need to keep the performance test scripts and test...