In neoload documentation "https://www.neotys.com/documents/doc/neoload/latest/#665.htm" i can see how to configure memory for load generator. But when i saw...
I’m not sure I follow your logic and have never seen the -server switch before but on the controller, these settings change the embedded LG on the controller aka localhost:7100
I am using NeoLoad Results API, where I can generate report or read report into xml, or pdf... but here one problem is that I have to open NeoLoad tool/application always to...
Neoload runs a small Jetty server for the API to function, the idea is that Neoload will be open, running a test while the api is in use. If Neoload isn't running, then neither...
I am planning to test an application. I have two sets of users that perform completely separate transactions and are connected to different parts of the system under test...
Your logic sounds fine and as the problem is intermittent, it sound like you implemented it correctly. I can’t explain why it would jump to the wrong dataset but if you have a...
com.neotys.nl.controller.q.d.o: Load generator ip-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx.us-west-1.compute.internal:7100 unavailable
at com.neotys.nl.controller.q.d.d.a(d.java:210)
at com.neotys...
What is the command line to run remote Neoload from Jenkins pipeline ... we tried this below code but not working..
neoloadRun executable: '\\\\\\NeoLoad 6...
For jenkins to run a job on a separate machine, you need to install a jenkns node, basically a java agent that is connected to jenkins. On this node machine, you have Neoload...
In neoload documentation "https://www.neotys.com/documents/doc/neoload/latest/#665.htm" i can see how to configure memory for load generator. But when i saw...
The Neoload controller - NeoloadGUI and NeoloadCmd use the following files respectively (you will only use one of these at a time)…
C:\Program Files\NeoLoad 6...
To set up LDAPS I see some instructions in https://www.neotys.com/documents/doc/nts/latest/en/html/#7125.htm but it does not indicate what I need to do in order to install the...
i'm working on Naolod/Jenkins Integration.
I want to display a graph of All transactions Reponse times on Jenkins.
I tried to create a graph within curves using...
I'm not sure you can do all transactions in one hit but assuming "Add Visit And Browse>Actions>PC_Edit_Owner" maches the path in your user path, it should work
I can't comment on SVN but if they have an API, it should be possible. As to the NTS, there is no API but it is just a website, you might be able to do this with a Neoload test...