We upgrade our NL whenever the upgraded version of NL is available. Currently, we are in NL7.0 and upgrading to 7.1.
While upgrading we are facing an attached error. Please...
I can see the issue but don't know how you got it, you can't have colons in a windows filename loadgenerator-localhost:7100.zip. Maybe fix the file name in v7.0 then migrate
I have provided all the required parameters for the JMS connection. The context factory, JNDI connection factory, provider URL, User name & password. For the destination...
Instructions can be found here: https://www.neotys.com/documents/doc/neoload/latest/#27418.htm
...however, have you included the tibco jms libraries in the Neoload extlib...
I am using Neoload 3.0 and executing 200 user test but every time seeing 90%+ memory used below mention are my agent property.
Neoload 3.0?? I would suggest updating. Also, your -Xmx value is very low, that 1g has to store the project on the LG and run 200 users, the default is a quarter of the...
neoload.Configuration: The project runtime was successfully loaded in 13.143 sec.
ERROR - neoload.Network: Failed to start and register LG: load generator off: process...
Can we run a test at a specific time? We have an odd test use case where we want to do one of two options:
1. Don't start the entire test until a specific time...
Yes, I was answering this...
1. Don't start the entire test until a specific time (ie 05:00am)
For the other use case, I would probably just use a piece of Javascript and a...
Can we run a test at a specific time? We have an odd test use case where we want to do one of two options:
1. Don't start the entire test until a specific time...
Can we run a test at a specific time? We have an odd test use case where we want to do one of two options:
1. Don't start the entire test until a specific time...
Can we run a test at a specific time? We have an odd test use case where we want to do one of two options:
1. Don't start the entire test until a specific time...