Unanswered question

Problem when handling Application Server and NeoLoad in different networks

Hi Team,

Our application server (IIS) and NeoLoad controller are in different networks in same building. We’ve connected these networks through router. When we tried recording scenarios through proxy mode we were continuously getting ‘unresponsive page’ error. And when we tried recording through tunnel mode steps are not getting saved. Please get us a solution for the same.

Saravanan A.
Saravanan A.

Saravanan A.

79 / 100


Having application and NeoLoad server on different network should not be an issue. Could you provide a screen shot of the error? And do you get it whatever the browser and application or only with your specific application?

Is it an HTTP or HTTPS application?

Saravanan A.
Saravanan A.

Saravanan A.

79 / 100


Thanks for the reply. It is our Home HTTP Application.

Ok so if it's not an HTTPS application then could you provide a screen shot of the error because i do not understand when you have the error? And is it right after entering the first URL or in the middle of your recording?

Saravanan A.
Saravanan A.

Saravanan A.

79 / 100

Hi Nouredine,
Please find our attached screen shot. The issue occurs in second or third page after we login. As there is no internet on the machine, we are unable to check other applications. But there is no error when we run the application manually on the browser. Issue occurs only when we record through NeoLoad. We would also like to know that whether having no internet connection will have any impact over our test.

Having or not Internet access should not matter as soon as your application is not trying to reach any Internet web site.

Your application may use some PUSH technology that could lead to such issue. Do you know if it's the case? I'm thinking about polling or streaming technology?

If you record your application using another proxy i'm wondering if you will get the same behavior. For example, if you download Fiddler and record your transactions with it do you encounter the same issue?

If not then you should try with Fiddler and NeoLoad at the same time. For that you can start Fiddler and then start a NeoLoad recording using IE. NeoLoad will prompt you to use "localhost:8888" as proxy at the beginning of the recording, just answer yes.


Saravanan A.
Saravanan A.

Saravanan A.

79 / 100

Hi Nouredine,

When I using the fiddler trace, there was no prompt occurred after the Recording started in Neoload. I found one alert at fiddler end (Screen shot attached). Just I was click that alert and started recording in Neoload, the process went fine without any page unresponsive error. But after I stopping the Neoload Recorder there was no HTTP traffic captured in the Neoload. But Fiddler captured the HTTP traffic according to the scenario.

If we look at your screen shot we can only one URL recorded by Fiddler. Plus you said that NeoLoad did not record anything so i guess your setup was not correct.

After starting Fiddler and NeoLoad recording you should have in the NeoLoad preferences under Application proxy "localhost:8888" as proxy. That means NeoLoad will go through Fiddler and Fiddler to your application.


Saravanan A.
Saravanan A.

Saravanan A.

79 / 100

Hi Nouredine,

There is no changes i.e "localhost 8888" in the Neoload application proxy. Still it follows the "localhost 8090" port after running with the fiddler.