a test was run with the truncated mean percentage set to 90. we have to deliver the results with a truncated mean percentage of 95. Is it possible to recalculate the percentages from the existing result values?
I have specific Service Level Agreement to validate on my application, and those SLAs use average 85%. The truncated mean in NeoLoad is the average of 90%, is there a way to...
The truncated mean is calculated on a reduced set of results, excluding the extrema. This enables non-representative values to be ignored, giving values close to those generally...
just trying to understand the best practice for allocating vusers to user paths via populations. we have converted our first full application for load testing to neoload from a...
I think you got it. You can either adjust the load of your population so the percentage does not have to be rounded up or like you said, you could use separate populations for...