Unanswered question

How to replace the dynamic paramter in the server and path ?

I am doing a sample recording with bing.com using NeoLoad.When i am serching a product like mobile and clicking on a link lets say Flipkart mobile link so its going to flipkart server,Now at the runtime i have parametrized the product search and replaced mobile as sony.I have correlated the URL however Not getting how to replace in the request. Because its showing two things one is Server and other is path.Could you please help me out in this regard ?

Nikant U.
Nikant U.

Nikant U.

197 / 750


The server information is available in the Design section under the server list. You can replace the hostname of your server either by using a variable if needed.

The path can be directly modified in the Path field at the request level also by a variable if needed.

Does it answer your question?

Nikant U.
Nikant U.

Nikant U.

197 / 750

Hi Nouredine,

Thanks for the reply. I am wondering if there is any option where i can replace my Dynamic variable in the URL itself ? not in Server and Path with two parameters.

The URL is just here to show you what will be sent but it is build with the server and path information.

Note that the server that you can see in the drop down list in your request definition is the logical name of your server which is different from the hostname that will be used.

Why would you like to directly modify that URL instead of the server/path?

Navneet K.
Navneet K.

Navneet K.

42 / 100

Hi Nikant

Replacing the dynamic variable in the URL itself will replace it throughout the Virtual User that has been created which I am assuming is not something that you would want.

If in case you want to handle the dynamic servers and paths, you will have to use 2 separate variables to handle them separately.