Unanswered question

Getting error as - org.apache.commons.httpclient.NoHttpResponseException: The server www.google.co.in failed to respond

I was trying to record google with Neoload but getting error as mentioned below:
An error occurred when playing request to the server: org.apache.commons.httpclient.NoHttpResponseException: The server http://www.google.co.in failed to respond

I am not able to record any of the site.

Neelam B.
Neelam B.

Neelam B.

14 / 100


Neelam B.
Neelam B.

Neelam B.

14 / 100

Hi Nouredine,

I am not using any proxy to reach the internet.
Please help. HOw shall I eliminate this error. I am using RTMP.

What do you mean by your are using RTMP. Are you trying to record a RTMP application?

If yes did you check the "RTMP" option in the recording panel? But without that option were you able to record any other web site?