Unanswered question

I have an auto-complete field in my recording. How do I parametarize it? I have not worked in Java & 'm new to Neoload.

I have an auto-complete field in my recording. How do I parametarize this field? It's like if I press any key (like A,S, etc.) the various options are loaded and shown in the dropdown,but I don't know how to parameterize this. I have not worked in Java and I'm new to Neoload.

Please let me know how to proceed with this and if you need any more details from me.

Souvik B.
Souvik B.

Souvik B.

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During the recording of your transactions, you probably selected one of the items from that drop down list. The goal is to find that value on one of your recorded requests. Depending on your application, you can directly see that value or it may have been replaced by an ID specific to your application.

Then use the flags requests feature in NeoLoad to figure out from which server response that value is coming from.

By using a variable extractor you should be able to gather any of the items of that drop down lists in order to re-use them later on.

I would suggest you to look at the NeoLoad documentation where you can find some tutorials related to variable extractor and more generally dynamic parameters.

You can look here