we tried json default module, but answer/xpath is too complicated with big deep json response then we tried custom encoder/decoder, but neoload override our XML and produce that useless encoding <String><root><id>etc...
When I run below request using postman or other rest tools I get response in json format, but using neoload the response comes in below format not sure what is the format...
Please go to the menu "Edit-->Preferences-->Projects settings tab--> Module manager-->JSON tab and make sure that the option to convert the JSON response to XML is disabled.
Hi Support,
Iám using the JSON/XML option within NEOLOAD. Now the requests and responses are formatted into an XML tree; however for a certain requedt/response i got an error...
The JSON/XML option is global to the project so you can't choose which requests will be converted to XML format.
The issue you have is that your JSON response does not have a...