Unanswered question

Login with different users

Hi.... I recorded a scenario, is just one user uploading a file. In the user and password I change it for it take it from a csv file. But... I try and try and try but it doesnt work. At the end... always upload the file but with the user that was recorded.
See images... any help I appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Juan M.
Juan M.

Juan M.

3 / 100


Looking at one of your screen shot, we can see that the VIEWSTATE and EVENTVALIDATION parameters values are still the recorded one.

Those values are dynamics. That is to say that the server will send new values for each user on each run. You can't use the recorded values anymore.

NeoLoad automatically handles them. It is usually done on the post-recording wizard when  NeoLoad performs the search of dynamic parameters.

You can re-run that search by right mouse clicking on your virtual user profile.

NeoLoad cannot handle all the dynamic parameters since some of them can be very specific to your application.

In that case, i would suggest you to look at the NeoLoad documentation. There's a tutorial that explains you how to handle them.

It's here