Unanswered question

Error Code: NL-runtime-02?

See the attached PDF for the settings used and the runtime error. We are getting this error when using a variable csv file and in Runtime.

Vicky M.
Vicky M.

Vicky M.

6 / 100


It's clear from your screen shot that this NL-Runtime-02 error is due to the fact that you start from line 2 and that line does not exist.

Now you said that starting from line 1 the scenario does not run. Could you be more precise about the symptom?

What happens exactly?


Jignesh P.
Jignesh P.

Jignesh P.

13 / 100

Nouredine A. is correct and really helpful his reply. I was going through for similar error where passing parameter in one of POST call available in one environment e.g. QA but not the other e.g. UAT and getting NL-RUNTIME-02 error. After spend more time able to find from Neotys community which helps to resolve. Really appreciated Nouredine A.

Reenu M.
Reenu M.

Reenu M.

11 / 100

2019/06/10 22:45:20 INFO - neoload.LG_INFO: Starting LoadGenerator Version 6.10.0 ;build=20190514-29
2019/06/10 22:45:20 INFO - neoload.LG_INFO: OS Version: amd64 - Windows 10 - 10.0
2019/06/10 22:45:20 INFO - neoload.LG_INFO: JVM Version: Oracle Corporation - 1.8.0_112 - Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM - Xmx= 3784310784 bytes
2019/06/10 22:45:20 INFO - neoload.LG_INFO: Sockets Tuning information: MaxUserPort registry key not found;TcpTimedWaitDelay registry key not found;
2019/06/10 22:45:20 INFO - neoload.LG_INFO: ALPN boot status: present
2019/06/10 22:45:20 INFO - neoload.LG: Registered to Agent. Port 49197
2019/06/10 22:45:20 INFO - neoload.LG: Launching inbound connection listener on port:50559
2019/06/10 22:45:20 INFO - neoload.LG: Connection established with the Controller localhost:7100:50559
2019/06/10 22:45:21 INFO - neoload.LG_INFO: WAN Emulation: disabled
2019/06/10 22:45:21 INFO - neoload.LG: Connection established with the Controller localhost:7100:50559
2019/06/10 22:45:21 INFO - neoload.LG_INFO: Jetty ThreadPool configuration: MinThread=20; MaxThread=20000; IdleTimeoutMs=10000; QueueSize=6000
2019/06/10 22:45:23 ERROR - neoload.Engine: Unexpected error in Http Action Engine java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.neotys.nl.lg.engine.n.b(n.java:464)
at com.neotys.nl.lg.engine.n.internalExecute(n.java:358)
at com.neotys.nl.lg.engine.l.a(l.java:146)
at com.neotys.nl.lg.engine.v.c(v.java:125)
at com.neotys.nl.lg.engine.w.internalExecute(w.java:83)
at com.neotys.nl.lg.engine.l.a(l.java:146)
at com.neotys.nl.lg.engine.v.c(v.java:125)
at com.neotys.nl.lg.engine.w.internalExecute(w.java:83)
at com.neotys.nl.lg.engine.l.a(l.java:146)
at com.neotys.nl.lg.engine.H.i(H.java:251)
at com.neotys.nl.lg.engine.H.internalExecute(H.java:98)
at com.neotys.nl.lg.engine.l.a(l.java:146)
at com.neotys.nl.lg.engine.c.a(c.java:179)
at com.neotys.nl.lg.engine.c.run(c.java:110)

Please help with above error log, I am facing NL-RUNTIME-02