Unanswered question

Chrome + RESTful addin crashes with Neoload 4.2.2 - Any ideas?

Neoload 4.4.2, trying to record with Chrome V36 + RESTful Client extension. When we do Start Recording and select Chrome as browser, the Chrome starts and opens Neoload welcome page. But then as soon as we put cursor into Chrome address bar, the Neoload recording ends unexpectedly - and of course, records nothing. Chrome stays open.

Andy L.
Andy L.

Andy L.

25 / 100


When you say that the NeoLoad recording ends up. Is NeoLoad still opened?

I do not see the relation with REST ful client. According to your description, it happens before trying to record anything right?

Could you get the NeoLoad logs files right after reproducing the issue from the menu "Help-->Open logs folder..."?

If NeoLoad crashed, could you check at the NeoLoad root installation folder if you have any hs_err* log files.