Unanswered question

We don't want to wait for the response of RequestA to start RequestB

We need to configure NeoLoad to run a test in a specific way.

When a request to the server starts (RequestA), we want to kick off the next request 500ms later (RequestB).
We don't want to wait for the response of RequestA to start RequestB (the response of RequestA is not important to our
application, since that request is aborted in "real life" by our javascript code, but the server still needs to handle
RequestA for our test).

So, we don't need "Think time" between pages, we need "Force start request after x ms" between requests.

How can we achieve this?

Matthias V.
Matthias V.

Matthias V.

112 / 750


You should use a Fork to use parallelism:

  • Put a Fork with Request A in it, it will be executed immediately
  • After the Fork, still in the main Thread, put a 500ms delay then your request B.

Waiting for 500ms will be called at the same time the Request A will be executed in a separate Thread.

Matthias V.
Matthias V.

Matthias V.

112 / 750

When I do this for nine sublevels, only the first two forks are visible in the results