Unanswered question

90%ile in Neoload Not Avg 90%ile

As per our customer requirement we need to provide the response time in 90%ile, But we can see only Average 90%ile in the reports so please let us know how we can get the metrics of 90%ile.
As showed in JMeter and LoadRunner.

Jagadeesh K.
Jagadeesh K.

Jagadeesh K.

4 / 100


Vishnu A.
Vishnu A.

Vishnu A.

73 / 100

To get percentile values for responses.
1.)After the test is done.
2.)Go to the Graph section
3.)Choose a request from the left top pane and also maximum duration as the statistic in the bottom pane to drag it onto the template.
4.)Choose a Percentile graph instead of a classic graph.
5.)Note the value for Y when X=90 in the graph.
6.)This values is nothing but the 90 percentile value for the request you have selected.
(i.e 90 percent of these requests have response times lower than that value)