Unanswered question

Getting an error "Actions service is not available" in andriod emulator using neoload tool

Getting an error "Actions service is not available, application cannot continue loading other services and will logout" on emulator while recording Andriod Emulator using NeoLoad
Step1: Added proxy and port in Android emulator (machine ip on which emulator is launched as proxy and port as 8080).
Step2: Selected Tunnel mode recording and added 2 servers (service & mobile domain of application) in Servers list of Tunnel mode window and selected the SSL check box.
Step3: Launch MobileApp Application from emulator.
Step4: Entered the username and password and logged into Mobile application.
Step5: Getting error popup as "Actions service is not available, application cannot continue loading other services and will logout “Reason: Undefined: 1004: Customer not found for custid: CUSTOMERID and it is reverting to login page.
Note: 1. Neoload recorded all the above 4 steps (requests & responses).
2. The same error is thrown in Proxy mode recording also.
3. The above error is not thrown when we are logging manually with out NeoLoad.
Could you please let us know what could be the reason for the above error.

Mahammad L.
Mahammad L.

Mahammad L.

38 / 100

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