Unanswered question

neoload.Engine: [FilePart]Can't find attached file

I am using a CSV file to feed the data to server. The csv file contains the file path of files to be uploaded to server. But when I validate the VU it wont detect the back slash "\" for the file path and fails. The error displaying was "ERROR - neoload.Engine: [FilePart]Can't find attached file:D:\NeoLoad\Projects\Project1_17\resDATA_20131207_114103_events.xml. The actual path is as follows "D:\NeoLoad\Projects\Project1_17\res\DATA_20131207_114103_\events.xml" and the path which is mentioned in the csv file is "res\DATA_20131207_114103_\events.xml" so normally in basic thing is it is not taking the back slash from the csv file.

Khalid K.
Khalid K.

Khalid K.

88 / 100


The parser will interpret the backslash caracter in your csv file so you will have to escape it. 

You can use twice backslash to do it. For example, in your csv file, you could use something like that:


Khalid K.
Khalid K.

Khalid K.

88 / 100

It's great. But I have a new problem now. I am managed to get the file path by providing "\\" , now the issue is its showing error as shown "ERROR - neoload.Engine: [FilePart]Can't read attached file:D:\NeoLoad\Projects\Project1_17\res\DATA_20131207_114103_\", which means its not taking the file events.xml

I tried to reproduce that issue but i can't. Do you see the "events.xml" at the end of your path displayed on the NeoLoad variable panel?

On my side if i use "res\\DATA_20131207_114103_\\events.xml" as path in the csv file it is working fine.

Is it possible to get a subset of your csv file and a screen shot of your POST request?

I will try with your csv file in case i can reproduce that behavior.

Khalid K.
Khalid K.

Khalid K.

88 / 100

When I check the Virtual User Validity, it says the VU is valid. i am able to see the variables are taken and displayed in the Variables tab for the VU action, but the logs says the error as stated above