Answered question

How to interpret the results for 90th percentile

See attached file. To find out the average duration of the scenario for the avg 90%, do you sum up the time for each element, or do you only take the element which took the longest within an action?

Neil H.
Neil H.

Neil H.

10 / 100

Sorry if i did not understand your query. You already have this avg 90% values in you test summary related to "All requests", "All pages" and "All containers".

So if i'm not mistaken it is exactly what you are looking for. Now if you only want it for a subset of requests, pages or containers you will have to manually do it for each element.

It will be the average of your elements.


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This average 90% is calculated using a sub result set where the extremas are removed. By default it is the 5% lowest and 5% highest values. But it can be configured in the NeoLoad preferences.

For example, you could set an average 85% and remove only the highest values.

To do so go to menu "Edit-->Preferences-->General settings tab-->Advanced".


To provide another example, let say you have 20 statistics values, we will remove 2 values (lowest and highest) and the average 90% will be the average of these 18 remaining values.


Neil H.
Neil H.

Neil H.

10 / 100

I understand what the 90th percentile is. What I am trying to get is the average duration for this subset, for the entire scenario.
Do I add up the avg-90% for each element? or is there somewhere else where I find this metric?