Answered question

Is there a possibility to delete a resource link by framework rule?

When recording Guidewire ClaimCenter, there are resource links in the source html which lead to a 404. Technically it is OK to remove this links (smoketest/Recorder.js and smoketest/Test.js)
As these are referenced very often, a rule to get rid of them would be greatly appreciated.

Frank K.
Frank K.

Frank K.

25 / 100

Without knowing the full extent and details of your script, a couple ideas come to mind.

1) Disable the specific requests from playing if you can (only good for individual requests, not embedded requests in source html).

2) Use a URL exclusion filter:

If these requests are embedded inside the HTML code, and not individual requests, then this might be something that can only be fixed by the developers of the application. If you are getting 404 status codes, but also got this same reply in the recording, you can mark playback requests not to flag as errors if they occurred in the recording.

We say the following in our documentation for error handling in our preferences section (Edit > Preferences > Project > Runtime parameters):

"NeoLoad can be configured not to flag as errors some requests that failed on recording. This is required when some errors are normal for the application. NeoLoad should play these requests to be realistic but should not flag them as error.

This is typically the case for missing resources (images, css, and so on) that send back a 404 Not Found error code. It is necessary to check the Do not mark the specified error code box to ignore the errors with the 404 code if the recorded code was 404. Requests with a valid return code (200 OK) on recording are flagged as errors if a 404 error occurs at runtime."

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