Unanswered question

Is it possible to increment a variable with loop iteration ?

I use Neoload v4.1.3 and I have got the following behavior:
I add a loop in my recording and inside that loop, I use variables that I want to increment with each loop iteration.
Unfortunately, for each loop iteration, variable is reset. Value of variable <LoopName>_counter still equals 1, for each loop iteration.

So my question is: is it possible to increment a variable with loop iteration ?

Patrick G.
Patrick G.

Patrick G.

2 / 100


Normally, the <LoopName>_counter should contain the right loop iteration number. I don't see how it could be reset to one each time. Do you have some screen shots showing us that behavior?


Before your loop, Add JS Script and define a variable like below:


in the loop, use below js script to increase your Variable
//Get the Value of Variable
var myVal = context.variableManager.getValue("VariableName");

// Change the Value of Variable
var myVal = paserInt(myVal )+1
context.variableManager.setValue("VariableName",myVal );

welcome any feedback