Unanswered question

LG engine failed to send last statistics.

A load generator situated in Asia become unusable (until Load generator is restarted).
Load generator log show the following message:

2013/06/14 02:07:04 INFO - neoload.LG_INFO: Starting LoadGenerator Version 4.1.2 ;build=050213-82
2013/06/14 02:07:04 INFO - neoload.LG_INFO: OS Version: amd64 - Windows Server 2008 R2 - 6.1
2013/06/14 02:07:04 INFO - neoload.LG_INFO: JVM Version: Oracle Corporation - 1.7.0_07 - Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM - Xmx= 456130560 bytes
2013/06/14 02:07:04 INFO - neoload.LG_INFO: Sockets Tuning information: MaxUserPort registry key not found;TcpTimedWaitDelay registry key not found;
2013/06/14 02:07:04 INFO - neoload.LG: Registered to Agent
2013/06/14 02:07:04 INFO - neoload.LG: Launching inbound connection listener on port:65321
2013/06/14 02:07:05 INFO - neoload.LG: Connection established with the Controller <LGmachine>:65321
2013/06/14 02:07:07 INFO - neoload.LG_INFO: WAN Emulation: disabled
2013/06/14 02:08:40 INFO - neoload.LG: Connection established with the Controller <LGmachine>:65321
2013/06/14 02:08:57 ERROR - neoload.LG: LG engine failed to send last statistics. java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.neotys.nl.controller.o.d.a.i.a(i.java:94)
at com.neotys.nl.controller.jb.handleRequest(jb.java:70)
at com.neotys.nl.common.net.BidirectionalConnection$RequestHandlerThread.run(BidirectionalConnection.java:229)

The controler is unable to use this generator again until the LG service is restarted:

2013/06/14 10:04:29 INFO - neoload.Controller: Starting NeoLoad Version 4.1.2;build=050213-82
2013/06/14 10:04:29 INFO - neoload.Controller: OS Version:amd64 - Windows Server 2008 R2 - 6.1
2013/06/14 10:04:29 INFO - neoload.Controller: JVM Version:Oracle Corporation - 1.7.0_07 - Xmx= 1431699456 bytes
2013/06/14 10:04:42 INFO - neoload.Configuration: The project was successfully loaded in 5.438 sec.
2013/06/14 10:04:51 INFO - neoload.Configuration: The project runtime was successfully loaded in 4.0 sec.
2013/06/14 10:06:55 WARN - neoload.Runtime: Freeze detected in EngineInitializer
2013/06/14 10:06:58 ERROR - neoload.Controller: Report: no test result found
2013/06/14 11:03:50 INFO - neoload.Controller: Starting NeoLoad Version 4.1.2;build=050213-82
2013/06/14 11:03:50 INFO - neoload.Controller: OS Version:amd64 - Windows Server 2008 R2 - 6.1
2013/06/14 11:03:50 INFO - neoload.Controller: JVM Version:Oracle Corporation - 1.7.0_07 - Xmx= 1431699456 bytes
2013/06/14 11:04:02 INFO - neoload.Configuration: The project was successfully loaded in 5.094 sec.
2013/06/14 11:04:11 INFO - neoload.Configuration: The project runtime was successfully loaded in 3.547 sec.
2013/06/14 11:04:14 WARN - neoload.Runtime: The Load Generator <LGmachine> is not available since it is used for another bench session.

How to retrieve automaticaly my load generator in order to run repetitive tests?
Is there any tuning that can be done ?

Jean-Philippe G.
Jean-Philippe G.

Jean-Philippe G.

42 / 100


When you use a load generator located on a completely different location, the time to initialize a test can be longer than usual. In that phase, NeoLoad has to send the whole project information, JS and external files to your Load Generator.

Looking at the controller log files, we can see that error "Freeze detected in EngineInitializer". This error means that NeoLoad took more than 2 minutes (default timeout) to send the project to your load generator.

When you have this error the Load generator process is still running that's why you have to reboot the machine or restart the service.

If you upgrade your NeoLoad to 4.1.3, the initialization timeout is now configured to 5 minutes. Also the error message is more explicit when the timeout is reached.

If it's still not enough, you should consider to run your controller on another network with more bandwidth available.

You can still follow the procedure below to increase the initialization timeout but only apply it if you think that it is a matter of few minutes more to succeed the initialization phase.

  1. Stop NeoLoad
  2. Edit <install_dir>\conf\controller.properties
  3. Go to [Runtime] section
  4. Add this key in a new line: loadGenerator.init.touch.delay=600000
  5. Save
  6. Start NeoLoad

With that configuration, you will set the timeout to 600 seconds.