Answered question

How can I activate a license without the GUI?

I only start NeoLoad through command line to start my test but I need to activate a new license. Is it possible?

Nouredine A.
Nouredine A.

Nouredine A.

5000 / 5000
Nouredine A.
Nouredine A.

Nouredine A.

5000 / 5000

It's not mandatory to use the GUI in order to activate a license. You can follow the procedure below in order to do so:

1. Copy your license file in to the NeoLoad user directory. Under Linux, it should be there: $HOME/.neotys/neoload/
2. If necessary rename your license file to “license.lic” (mandatory)
3. Start NeoLoad like this: “./NeoloadCmd -noGUI”
(In 4.xx NeoLoad versions you may have to run the NeoloadCmd command with "-project" and "-launch" to get the result).
4. NeoLoad will automatically create a “license.req” file that will be stored in the home folder of the logged user. This information should be displayed in the console where you started NeoLoad.
5. Connect to the Neotys web site and go to the activation web form to activate your license. You should get a new file called “license-activated.lic”.
6. Rename that “license-activated.lic” file to “license.lic”
7. Copy that “license.lic” file to that folder $HOME/.neotys/neoload/ Overwrite the original file.

That's it. Your NeoLoad will now use that license. You may have to restart NeoLoad for this to take affect from previous step above.

For more information, see “Manage licenses” under “Installation” section in NeoLoad documentation.

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