Unanswered question

How can we find total think time by the entire script simulated during Check User Path?

While running the script in check user path, how can we find the total think time simulated for 1 iteration?

Lukesh A.
Lukesh A.

Lukesh A.

51 / 100


Do you mean total think time or userpath duration? For duration, on the checkvu screen, click advanced, check include think times and play it back. You will see time stamps next to the requests on the left.

For think times, you just need to look at the userpath and add them up, the think times are on the pages

Lukesh A.
Lukesh A.

Lukesh A.

51 / 100

so if I understand it correctly then if my script contains 50 requests in total then I need to manually records the thinktime simulated by each request and add them up. Not a efficient way to do.

Are there any improvement about this in pipeline to give a summary on request time, think time, wasted time after running the script in check user path?

if you recorded a web site, your test will have pages, the pages include the recorded think times, when you do a checkvu, those are ignored by default as you don't want to wait while Neoload pretends to be thinking. They are included in the load test though to represent real user speed. If you want to see how long a userpath takes to run, you can check the checkbox in the advanced screen.