Unanswered question

Can we move just results from one project to another NeoLoad project?

I am looking to move just the selected results run for full load test into another project, is it possible to do that in NeoLoad?

I have tried moving the Result file from result folder into another project's result folder but the copied result is not showing up in the Neoload result section.

Lukesh A.
Lukesh A.

Lukesh A.

51 / 100


yes, in the project directory under the results folder, you will see a directory named in uuid format, something like xxxxxxx-xxx-xxx-xxxxxx, this is your result, just move the directory

Lukesh A.
Lukesh A.

Lukesh A.

51 / 100

I have moved the result file with uuid format into another project but when I have checked the Results Manager, I don't see the copied result appearing there.