Unanswered question

How to update the content with Date and Time to a column value in CSV/Excel file placed under custom-resources

I need to upload a file in my API,,but uploading same file with same content will throw an error 'File already exists'.
So i would like to change the content or value of a single/multiple column(s) in the same file.
Could you please provide any solution for this?

K K.
K K.

K K.

15 / 100


Nouredine A.
Nouredine A.

Nouredine A.

5000 / 5000

I'm not sure to understand your question. If you goal is to send different files you can prepare them in advance and copy them under the custom-resources folder of your NeoLoad project.

You can look at this post for more details about sending multiple files.

NeoLoad will not modify the content of your file if it was what you would like to do.

K K.
K K.

K K.

15 / 100

I want to change the content of a file to make it upload successfully on each use through script. Because same file with same content wont be allowed

Yes, but that is a test data issue, not a Neoload one, you should have enough test data (files with different content) to support your load test. If you were on linux, you could use sed to do a find and replace in the file content, this could be called from neoload prior to uploading the file