I set up neoload web via docker with the load generator and controller. Now when I start a test case I get the following error message.
I have a trial license.
I also included my LICENSE ID when creating the docker controller container.
I still get the same error message
By defaut NeoLoad Web will use a license installed in NeoLoad Web and if it does not find any it will check for NTS settings and last resort the license file.
If your controller is on docker the only way to tell NeoLoad to use a free license would be to create a volume where the licence is stored. By default NeoLoad will search in $HOME/.neotys/neoload inside the container for a license.lic file.
Can you give me a example?
I moved my free-trial license.lic to the specified folder in the Docker container. Still, I get the same error message
In the controller docker controller under /home/neoload/.neotys/neoload you can find a pre defined license.lic.
These one you need to remove and replace it with your own.