We have 100K URLs in our input files and some of them cause a "TOO MANY REDIRECT" error in a browser.
However in Neoload 7.6, when we enable "Handle redirects Automatically" in the Advance Settings, these URLs never timeout/exit, they keep going indefinite without a limit.
This eventually increases the load on the server too much and the users are trapped from there onwards.
How do you enforce a redirection limit?
There's an option that you could add to the NeoLoad configuration file to limit the number of redirection.
Here is the procedure for 5 redirections max:
Thanks for the response.
Where these options/properties are documented? I couldn't find any documentations around these kind of properties.
Ok, another weird issue around the same, now after setting up this property and ENABLE auto-redirect, it fails after reaching the limit, say 10.
but, when we DISABLE the auto-redirect option and if the response is "301-Permanantly Moved" our expectation is to receive 301 and exit the request. However, the 301 is processed and redirected to the Location : url.
Here the problem is, the 301 location also returns a 301 redirecting to the original URL (this is a application recursive issue, I understand) but at this time, the limit set in the conf is not respected and redirection (recursive) goes on forever.
I think this is a bug. If you could confirm this is bug indeed, we can raise a bug report for the same.