Unanswered question

How can i get the IP address range of an LG so that i can whitelist these addresses permanently in servers?

Need to get the IP range of LG for whitelisting permanently in application servers before adding a cloud session so that the requests send from neoload will not be blocked

Boney V.
Boney V.

Boney V.

2 / 100


We do not provide the IP range of the LG's since only 1 or 2 of our Cloud providers provide them (it does not seem the case anymore) and even when such list existed they were not guarantee at all.

That's why there's the functionality of booking IP's in your customer area so you can reserve some IP's for your tests as long as you need knowing that there's no time limitation and you can extend your IP session when you want.

The only limitation is that you can't book IP's from all the regions if you need a very specific one.