Unanswered question

Can I include a wait time before the next iteration begin if an error occurs

I have a script which needs to be include wait time before it start the next iteration when an error occurs. Specially in the login function. If login is unsuccessful it should be go to the next iteration and before it start I need to put a wait time to reduce the stressing the server.

Ranil W.
Ranil W.

Ranil W.

0 / 100


If i understand correctly, your login is inside the "Actions" container.

If yes i would suggest you to use a Try ...Cache container. You can capture error or assertion issues.

If you put your login inside the Try and insert a delay in the cache container followed by a "Go to the next iteration" logical action, that should do the trick.

You can also use an If...Then...Else condition if you would like to use that delay only for a specific login issue. In that case you can use whatever you want as condition.

I hope it will help you.