Unanswered question

GWT ErrorMessage caught : Class Not Found: rO0ABXcEAAAAAA==

Trying to validate my test case, I have this message error "GWT ErrorMessage caught : Class Not Found: rO0ABXcEAAAAAA==".
We have already added GWT libraries and the gwt.rpc file.It seems that the response could not be decoded properly. I don't understand what is missing.
Many thanks in advance.

ikram T.
ikram T.

ikram T.

24 / 100


That error occurs when NeoLoad has shifted while reading the GWT response. That's why the Class Not Found is not a real JAVA class name.

Usually it means that the JAR that was imported are not suitable to read that server response.

It could be an unexpected response from the server and NeoLoad does not have the right JAR versions to decode properly the server response. What was the server response of that request during the recording?

First of all could you confirm that the JAR files that you have imported in NeoLoad are the ones that are currently used by your application. A slight difference may lead to such issue.

So again that error may be a consequence of a replaying issue since the res

ikram T.
ikram T.

ikram T.

24 / 100

checking versions and re importing jar I have got this error :
GWT ErrorMessage caught : Class Not Found: org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer

Details attached.

The missing class should be in a JAR called "springs-beans-****". Do you have such JAR in your WAR or in your list?

This Class is also embedded in NeoLoad so i hope that it will not conflict.

ikram T.
ikram T.

ikram T.

24 / 100

I have added the SpringBeans.jar but I have same the same error : com.neotys.nl.exception.PluginObjectClassNotFoundException: Class Not Found: org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer.

If it was a version conflict problem , How can I resolve it ?