Unanswered question

An unknown exception occurred while creating an instance of type 'com.sas.bireport.models.rom.table.RomTable'.

The following error occurred in AMF request.

Error Code: NL-AMF-PLUGIN-ENGINE-02 Message: Internal error occurred while processing the AMF response. Details: AMF ErrorMessage caught : An unknown exception occurred while creating an instance of type 'com.sas.bireport.models.rom.table.RomTable'.

I resolved the error of CLASS NOT FOUND by referring to the JAR file. However, I can not find an example of this error. Please tell me if you have any hints.


Nouredine A.
Nouredine A.

Nouredine A.

5000 / 5000

That AMF error is specific to your application that's why you will not be able to find anyone having that same error. It's not clear if you had that error during a check virtual user or during a load testing.

For the former that means that your script did not send the right information and it usually means that you forgot to correlate some dynamic parameters. If the latter then maybe your server had an issue or this error is a consequence of a previous issue in the script.


When registering about 1200 files in the Eclipse plugin directory, the error has been resolved.


It is expected to be used for load test of SAS Visual Analytics.
Thank you :-)