Unanswered question

neoloadRun Jenkins pipeline doesn't work anymore?

I had the following snippet in my Jenkins pipeline code that used to work perfectly fine. The last reported successful build was Oct 20th, 2020.

neoloadRun executable: '/opt/Neoload7.6/bin/NeoLoadCmd',
project: '/local_home/neoload/jenkins_workspace/workspace/dev-sandbox/NeoloadNew/neoload-tests/C1NS.nlp',
testDescription: 'Monitoring Stats',
commandLineOption: '-nlweb -nlwebToken xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -SLAJUnitReport /local_home/neoload/jenkins_workspace/workspace/dev-sandbox/NeoloadNew/neoload-report/junit-sla-results.xml',
scenario: 'Ramp up appliance registrations',
trendGraphs: ['AvgResponseTime', 'ErrorRate']

Suddently, it has stopped working and throwing weird syntax errors. I wonder if the plugin has been updated on Neotys end. I checked my plugin version and it is 2.2.6 which seems to have been released in October 2019 as per this page https://plugins.jenkins.io/neoload-jenkins-plugin/

Now, running the exact same snippet above throws following error:

13:46:18 org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
13:46:18 WorkflowScript: 20: Invalid parameter "project", did you mean "projectType"? @ line 20, column 17.
13:46:18 project: '/local_home/neoload/jenkins_workspace/workspace/dev-sandbox/NeoloadNew/neoload-tests/C1NS.nlp',
13:46:18 ^
13:46:18 WorkflowScript: 22: Invalid parameter "commandLineOption", did you mean "customCommandLineOptions"? @ line 22, column 17.
13:46:18 commandLineOption: '-nlweb -nlwebToken 14p68gUx5yRNomgwbqE3B63n -SLAJUnitReport /local_home/neoload/jenkins_workspace/workspace/dev-sandbox/NeoloadNew/neoload-report/junit-sla-results.xml',
13:46:18 ^
13:46:18 WorkflowScript: 23: Invalid parameter "scenario", did you mean "scenarioName"? @ line 23, column 17.
13:46:18 scenario: 'Ramp up appliance registrations',
13:46:18 ^
13:46:18 WorkflowScript: 24: Invalid parameter "trendGraphs", did you mean "executable"? @ line 24, column 17.
13:46:18 trendGraphs: ['AvgResponseTime', 'ErrorRate']

My neoload plugin version is the same as 2.2.6. The only think that might have changed is my jenkins version.

Ahsan B.
Ahsan B.

Ahsan B.

19 / 100

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